Data Details

Data Sources

The dashboard information is compiled by the Ohio Education Research Center (OERC) using data from the Ohio Longitudinal Data Archive (OLDA), as collected by:

  • Ohio Department of Job and Family Services:
    • Unemployment Insurance Wage (UI Wage) data is quarterly wage data for employees in Ohio whose employers file unemployment insurance with the state.
    • Participant Individual Record Layout (PIRL) is a federal standardized format for WIOA participation and outcomes data.
  • Ohio Department of Higher Education:
    • Higher Education Information System (HEI) is student-level data for Ohio’s public colleges and universities.
    • Aspire data includes participant-level records for Aspire participation.
    • Ohio Technical Center (OTC) data includes participant and completer records, along with course and related credential information.
    • National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) is national student-level higher education data for students who have been enrolled in Ohio’s public colleges and universities
  • Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities:
    • Vocational Rehabilitation participation data from the Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report (RSA-911).

State Support

The Ohio Longitudinal Data Archive is a project of the Ohio Education Research Center, and provides researchers with centralized access to administrative data. The OLDA is managed by The Ohio State University’s Center for Human Resource Research in collaboration with Ohio’s state workforce and education agencies, with those agencies providing oversight and funding.

For additional funding and inspiration the team thanks our colleagues from the Coleridge Initiative and the ADRF. Funding for the Re-employment dashboards for the Coleridge Initiative comes from the Schmidt Family Foundation.



Participants: The number of individuals served between July 1 and the following June 30th of the reported program year. Individuals who receive multiple services are counted only once for the year.

Exiters: The number of individuals who exited or completed services between July 1 and the following June 30th of the reported program year. Individuals who exit or complete at multiple points throughout the same year are counted only once, at the date of their latest exit.

  • Aspire: Non-institutionalized individuals who attended at least 12 hours during the reported year and whose last attendance date occurred during the reported year. Outcomes are reported for individuals who demonstrated completion via pre/post testing, achieving High School Equivalency, or postsecondary transition.

  • Choose Ohio First: Individuals who earned an academic award during the reported year within 6 years of their first Choose Ohio First funded term. Outcomes are reported only for graduates whose academic award is earned from the institution from which Choose Ohio Funding was received.

  • Community Colleges: Individuals who were enrolled in and earned an academic award from a public community college in Ohio during the reported year.

  • Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program: Individuals who received career training services and exited during the reported year.

  • Jobs for Veterans State Grants: Individuals who received career training services and exited during the reported year.;

  • Ohio College Opportunity Grant: Individuals who earned an academic award during the reported year within 6 years of their first Ohio College Opportunity Grant funded term. Outcomes are reported only for graduates whose academic award is earned from the institution from which Ohio College Opportunity Grant funding was received.

  • Ohio Technical Centers: Individuals who completed an OTC course during the reported year and completed year.

  • Vocational Rehabilitation: Individuals who received services and exited during the reported year. Individuals who exited due to health or medical reasons, ineligibility, being called to Reserve Forces active duty, being a criminal offender, having extended employment, short-term exit, or death are excluded from the outcome reporting. Results are reported for Youth services (24 years old or younger) or Adult services based on their age at the time of application.

  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: Individuals who received career training services and exited during the reported year.

Earnings: Median annual earnings after exit or completion. Earnings are calculated from the employment data in Ohio’s UI Wage system by multiplying the 3-month earnings one year after exit or completion by 4 for an estimate of annual earnings. The earnings are rounded to the nearest $100 and CPI-adjusted to $2020.

Employment: Individuals who have earnings in Ohio’s UI Wage system during the 3-month period one year after exit or completion are reported as being employed.

Same Employer (Retention): Indicates whether a worker has the same main employer one year after exit as they had six months after exit. Retention is calculated using Ohio’s UI Wage data for the second calendar quarter after exit and the fourth calendar quarter after exit. The main employer is defined as the employer from which an individual earns the most income in a particular calendar quarter.

Enrolled in College: Indicates whether an individual is enrolled in a higher education institution during the calendar quarter of exit, or in any of the four calendar quarters following exit. Enrollment is calculated using Higher Education Information data for students who are enrolled in Ohio’s public higher education institutions.

Enrolled in College After Graduation: Indicates whether an individual is enrolled in a higher education institution in any of the four calendar quarters following college graduation. Enrollment is calculated using the Higher Education Information and National Student Clearinghouse data for students who are enrolled in Ohio’s public higher education institutions.

Earned Credential at a Technical Center: Indicates whether an individual earned a credential (i.e. State License, Industry Credential, or Certificate) from an Ohio Technical Center during the calendar quarter of exit, or in any of the four calendar quarters following exit. This outcome is calculated using OTC student data.

Top Industries: Indicates the top 3 industries that most frequently employ the reported group of exiters or completers. Fewer than 3 industries are reported when the number of employed exiters or completers in an industry is less than 10.

Data Caveats and Limitations 


To avoid re-identification, the OERC only reports results derived from 10 or more individuals.  

Data Updates 

One-year and three-year outcomes may not yet be reportable for recent exiters or completers.


Participants who received services while incarcerated are excluded from the dashboard calculations. 

Employment and earnings outcomes are calculated using Ohio’s Unemployment Insurance (UI) Wage data. This excludes workers who are self-employed, workers who are employed by the Federal government, and out-of-state workers.

College enrollment is calculated using Ohio’s Higher Education Information (HEI) data. This excludes students who attend private or out-of-state institutions.

The credentials earned outcome is calculated using Ohio Technical Center (OTC) data. This is limited only to students who earned their credentials from an OTC and excludes credentials and licenses that may be earned in private or other settings. The linkages needed to match OTC data to the other data sources are incomplete, resulting in an undercount of credentials.

Outcomes are reported by linking program participation records to employment and education records. Records with missing linkage data are excluded. 

Comparability to Government Reports

Information displayed on this dashboard may differ from information contained in federal or state reports due to variations in reporting metrics and data preparation procedures.


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